Master class, how quick and easy to learn to crochet from scratch

Crochet can turn into a permanent hobby for you and a source of new original handicrafts and things. To master this skill, you need to start with the basics. This master class is dedicated to mastering the main loops in crochet, and also how to properly hold and use this tool.

How to hold the hook
  • How to hold the hook
  • Knitting the basic hinges
  • The initial loop
  • The air hinges
  • The connecting bars
  • The bars without the crochet
  • The bars with the crochet( one)
  • The bars with the crochet( two)
  • How to hold the hook

    The hook must be taken to thehand, which is the main for you.

    The most convenient way to fix the instrument between the index and thumbs, while the tool itself can be placed under the brush and above it, there is already someone as convenient.

    When you knit, let the thread on the outside of the hand, fix it between the little finger and the ring finger or between the unnamed and the middle finger. Let the thread adhere to the left palm.

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    When knitting, hands should not be strained, it is advisable that they are not on weight and rest on their elbows.

    Learn how to bind crocheting hooks
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    Knitting the main loops

    Having mastered these loops, you can take on the first work with the hook.

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    Initial loop

    Any crocheting starts from the initial loop. To learn how to knit, you need to throw the end of the working thread up through the thumb on the left hand, and then start the hook from left to right in the loop that formed. In this case, the loop should come off the thumb. After that, the tip of the hook is to grasp the thread that lies on your index finger and comes from the tangle. You should stretch this thread through the formed loop and tighten, holding the end of the thread under the resulting knot.

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    Air hinges

    Hook into the initial loop, grasp the work thread and then pull it through the loop.

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    Connecting posts

    To create connecting posts, the hook must be placed in the second loop from the beginning of any row, the working thread should be picked up from the finger and thrown onto the hook. On the hook you should get two loops.

    By pulling a thread through them, you will receive a connecting post.

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    Columns without a cuff

    These bars allow you to loosen loops. You need to put the hook in the loop of the previous row, pick up the thread and hold it through the loop of the bottom row.

    After that, the thread should be picked up again, but now knit, stretching it through both loops formed.

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    Columns with a cake( one)

    You need to make a cake, then put the hook in the loop of the previous row, grab the thread and stretch it through the loop of the bottom row. You will have three hinges on the hook.

    loading. ..

    You need to knit them in several receptions. First you need to pick up the thread and stretch it through the two eyelets. After that, again grab the thread and knit two loops that are left on the hook.

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    Columns with a crochet( two)

    It is necessary to make two overlays, to define a hook in the nearest loop of the previous one. We pick up the work thread and pull it through the noose. We get four loops on the hook. We send them in three sets of two loops.

    • Jun 01, 2018
    • 48
    • 138