Does the child have red eyes? Do not expect that everything will pass by itself.
Sometimes the cause of ailment are serious illnesses that need to be treated as early as possible.
Otherwise, it is necessary to get acquainted with chronic diseases and complications( ranging from partial to total loss of vision).
To protect the child from this, it is important to quickly find the cause of redness and take the baby to the doctor.
Eyes redness is a popular problem that occurs in children of different ages. This is due to the active way of life, because kids do not like to sit still.
Therefore, parents have to constantly monitor the health of the child. Every day( morning and evening) it is necessary to conduct an examination of the body and eyes. And, if the kid complains of an ailment, it is necessary to concern attentively to his words.
- 1. Causes of
- 2. Symptoms of
- 3. Treatment of
- 4. Prevention of
- 5. Prognosis of
- 6. Video of
Reasons for
Did you notice that eye proteins are covered with blood vessels and are they not in order? Then it is important to understand the reason why the eyes turned red.
After eliminating the factor causing the problem, the eyes will be healthy again. The reasons may very well be:
- usual non-compliance with hygiene or lifestyle;
- viruses, bacteria;
- injury;
- Allergies;
- foreign bodies.
Also sources of the ailment are:
- conjunctivitis is a viral disease in which yellow crust appears in the morning or purulent formations, and eyelids stick together;
- blepharitis - a disease of the skin under the cilia( corners of the eyes and eyelids blush);
- uveitis - inflammatory processes of the choroid;
- glaucoma - increased intraocular pressure, need help from a doctor;
- VSD( vegetovascular dystonia);
- blockage of the lacrimal canal( often occurs in infants);
- Swimming pool. Chlorine and disinfectants, which treat water, in combination with sweat and urine may cause redness of the eyeballs;
Therefore, avoid swimming pools, where many people bathe. As a result, the child has burning sensation, eyes scratch, watery, and sometimes there are snot( although there is no cold
- Weather .If the baby has been out on the street for a long time, where there is severe frost, wind, scorching sun, eyes quickly turn the room, the symptoms go away
- Cold When the child is sick with ARVI, the eyes are easily reddened. To solve the problem, first of all you need to cure a cold, then the redness will go away, as if there were none;
- fatigue, overexertion, watching cartoons and other content(more than 1 hour per day
Symptoms of
It is important to know the symptoms that accompany the redness, they are different and depend on the causes:
- Bacterial infection. Thick secretions and irritation. Eyes sour in the morning and for
- Viral infection. . Occurs after a runny nose and cough. The child wakes up, and his eyes stick together. During the day there are almost no excreta or they are insignificant. The kid complains of burning sensation and says that there is sand in his eyes;
- Injury. Appears redness, pain, discharge. Ask if the ball, stick or even someone's finger has come into the eye of your offspring. The presence of a scratch on the cornea is a popular injury. As a result, redness appears, which is similar to infection or allergy;
You also need to think about eye contact with soap and shampoo. These remedies are sometimes the cause of red proteins.
- Foreign body ( sand, stones, dust, even paper) causes irritation. Slightly pull the eyelids in turns. And then close your eyes, massage them gently( from the outer to the inner corner).If a couple of hours of redness does not go away, contact a doctor;
- Allergy ( on dust, pollen, animal hair, etc.), at which the eyes itch, water, blush. Allocations are watery. If you already have an allergy to some kind of food, the cause is the allergen.
Can not understand why the eyes turned red? Then quickly go to the ophthalmologist. He will examine the child, make a diagnosis.
If the reason is simple, the expert will tell you how to care for the mucosa and what you need to do when the redness does not go away for a long time.
Treatment of
In case of bacterial infection, consult a doctor. He will write antibacterial drugs( Chloramphenicol, Cephalosporin, Tetracycline, etc.).With a viral infection, wait. All symptoms will disappear after 10-15 days.
In conjunctivitis with allergies, identify the allergen and discontinue the contact. Doctors, in general, appoint Suprastin and Fenistil. Taking antihistamines will reduce symptoms.
With trauma and burns with chemistry, you need to go to the oculist immediately. In case of an impassable tear duct, "Levomycetin" and "Vitabaktom" are used.
To get rid of the usual redness in the eyes, try:
- ice packs( every 2 hours, repeat the procedure - up to three minutes);
- rinsing with drops;
- lotion( from herbs or tea).
As for more serious diseases, their treatment requires complex and long-term treatment. If the disease is serious, use several methods. With blepharitis apply lotions, rinses, gels and ointments, funds "Amitrazinom" or similar.
With uveitis, glucocorticosteroids, plasmapheresis, hemosorption, immunosuppressive therapy, plasmapheresis are used. If glaucoma is found, surgery is required. And at an early stage of the disease, drugs are needed: Betaxalol, Acetazolamide, Pilocarpine and the like.
It does not matter what causes redness. It is important to ensure the care of the affected area. As a result, the process of recovery will be faster, which will make the baby's condition much better in a short time. Go to the oculist. Required. At the reception the doctor will tell you how and what to do.
Remember: warm up the place of redness is not necessary.
It is important to understand what the level of stress a child is experiencing. Protect him from unnecessary stress, let the child go to bed early.
The rules of hygiene must be observed, regardless of the current state of human health. Do not allow the child to rub eyes when his hands are dirty.
With other children who have conjunctivitis, it is better not to communicate, because the disease is contagious. Remember:
- do not allow the child to spend a lot of time on a PC, TV;
- lighting in the nursery needs to be done muffled;
- rinse eyes with warm water, wipe them with cotton-wool discs( they need to be moistened in furacilin, chamomile broth, warm milk);
- for allergic conjunctivitis you need to understand what allergy is and do everything to exclude the irritant.
If red-eye syndrome is detected, follow the doctor's recommendations and do not postpone a second visit to the oculist.
Only a specialist can find out the true cause of the disease, prescribe the right treatment and decide on stopping the medication.
Red eyes need to be treated, based on the cause. Most often, you can get rid of the problem if you apply ointment or drops. In other cases, medicines and complex therapy are needed. Any type of treatment is prescribed by a doctor.
Additionally, you can perform the following exercises with the child to relieve fatigue from the eyes:
If you have redness in the eyes and they do not pass for several hours, go to the doctor. Conjunctivitis is treated for about 7 days, in rare cases, recovery is delayed by two weeks.
Blepharitis should be treated for about a month, and sometimes the process lasts longer, can become chronic. From uveitis can be cured in 4-6 weeks.
Occlusion of lacrimal ducts requires, on average, 1-2 weeks for complete recovery.
In order to take care of the child's health and his eyes, it is necessary:
- to teach him to hygiene;
- if the red does not go away after a few hours, go to the oculist;
- daily monitor the condition of the baby's eyes;
- provide the baby with good nutrition, a healthy sleep and reduce the time spent by the monitor.
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