All about permanent make-up of eyelids with photos before and after

Eye tattooing is the process of introducing organic pigmented paint into the upper subcutaneous layer to a depth of 0.8 millimeters. Color pigment is made on a mineral basis and in most cases it does not cause allergic reactions. The machine for permanent make-up is capable of causing mild pain, therefore the procedure is performed under special anesthesia. It is important to find an experienced master who can create your makeup perfectly, adhering to all the rules and conventions.

  • Pictures before and after
  • Types of tattooing
  • Intermediate
  • Contour or arrow
  • Feathering
  • Pros
  • Cons
  • Skin care after the procedure
  • Contraindications

Photos before and after

Read also how to visually enlarge the eyes with makeup http: / //

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Types of tattooing

Permanent eyelid make-up is performed in various techniques. Most often, tattoo specialists divide them into three varieties:

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This kind of tattoo means filling the entire eyelid space between eyelashes along the line of their growth. This line can go both on the upper, and on the upper and lower eyelids. As a result of the procedure, the eye will appear more expressive, the eyelashes are more dense.

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Contour or arrow

This type of pigment filling involves the creation of a classic arrow, which women are accustomed to drawing with eyeliner. The arrow line can be very thin or very oily( it all depends on preferences), the arrow harmoniously ends with a pointed end. The arrow can go from one corner of the eye to the other, and can begin in the middle of the century and go to the outer corner. This kind of tattoo is performed exclusively in the upper eyelid.

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By and large, this technique differs little from the previous one, only the lines are given a blurred outline imitating kayal.
In this version, you can combine different types of permanent tattoo eyelids.

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The permanent eyelid makeup has a number of indisputable advantages:

  • saving time and effort for daily creation and long-term washing-off;
  • the ability to always and everywhere be in perfect shape;
  • rejuvenating effect( for women with "crow's feet" and aging skin age);
  • camouflage - tattoo perfectly hides moles, scars, scars, asymmetry;
  • is the ideal solution for women who are allergic to cosmetics.
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As with any tattooing of the century and has its drawbacks:

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  • impossibility to change the image - the tattoo of the century can not be washed, the arrow can only be masked with shadows and then not fact;
  • high degree of risk - the procedure is performed before our eyes, so it is worthwhile to find a very serious and competent master, and also it is necessary to take into account all hygienic measures for our own safety;
  • constant need for correction - the first correction is required within a month after the first procedure;
  • pain - the procedure is painful, not everyone can withstand it;
  • a long period of recovery after the procedure.
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Skin care after the procedure

  • wash the eyelid from the first day of applying the pigment only with cool water, you can use chilled green tea without additives;
  • the first two days after the procedure, you need to apply to the inflamed skin dry ice four times a day;
  • three times a day apply a cotton swab on the eyelids ointment "Bepanten" until complete healing;
  • after the appearance of crusts on the eyelids, in no case do not rip them off;
  • until complete healing of the eyelids is forbidden to visit the sauna, solarium, swimming pool, sunbathing, use decorative cosmetics for the eyes.
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Tattoo of eyelids is contraindicated:

  • in diabetes mellitus;
  • during pregnancy;
  • when breastfeeding;
  • for epilepsy;
  • with conjunctivitis and other eye diseases;
  • in inflammatory processes in the body( even SARS);
  • with low blood coagulability;
  • for hypertension;
  • for oncological diseases;
  • for HIV;
  • for allergy to anesthesia drugs for the procedure;
  • during the critical days.

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  • Jun 01, 2018
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