Cheap analogs of the drug Erespal

Erespal is an expensive bronchodilator, which is very effective in its kind. This drug is used in the treatment of various respiratory diseases for both children and adults. Because of its price inaccessibility, the drug can be replaced by its equally effective counterparts. There are many analogues of the drug, we consider the most popular and affordable.

  • Erespal
  • Analogs
  • Ambrobene
  • Amispiron
  • Bronchipret
  • BronhoMaks
  • Inspiron
  • Lasolvan
  • Libeksin
  • Sinekod
  • Siresp
  • Flyuditek
  • Fosidal
  • Epistat
  • Erispirus


Product form - syrup, tablets.

The main substance is fenspiride hydrochloride.

The drug with anti-inflammatory and anti-bronchoconstrictive properties, is used for the therapy of bronchitis, laryngitis, respiratory, infectious and allergic phenomena accompanied by a strong cough.

The dosage used for therapy is about 70-90 milliliters for adults per day, for children 10-60 milliliters. How much to take this medication is decided by the attending physician.

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Side effects of - it is extremely rare to have slight changes in the work of the heart, nervous system, stomach.

Restrictions on the use of - children of small age, negative susceptibility of the body.
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Best, cheaper analogs of syrup and tablets Erespal:

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The release form is a clear solution, 40 or 100 ml each.

The main substance is ambroxol hydrochloride.

Purpose - in diseases of the respiratory system, associated with the formation and divergence of sputum. It is prescribed for adults and children, for pregnancy it is worth taking only under the supervision of a doctor.

Dosage used in therapy - children up to adolescence are prescribed 1 milliliter several times a day, adults 3 milliliters 4 times a day.

Adverse reactions - poorly developed, sometimes there are changes in the work of the stomach, intestines and allergic reactions.

Restrictions on the use of - the onset of pregnancy and the susceptibility of the body to the basic substance.
Cheaper and best for buying children is Ambrobene.
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The form of the release is in tablets of 80 milligrams.

The basic substance is fenspiride hydrochloride.

The appointment is only for adults in the treatment of inflammatory processes in the respiratory system and ENT organs, as well as in the complex treatment and protection against new relapses of bronchial asthma.

Dosage used in therapy - take recommended on an empty stomach for 3 tablets a day.

Side effects of - sometimes, there is a slight itching on the skin, rashes and upset of the digestive system.

Restriction when consuming - the period of pregnancy, breastfeeding of the baby, children, as well as with a negative susceptibility to the active principle substance.
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The release form is a pleasantly smelling syrup, in containers of 50 and 100 milliliters.

The main substance is an extract of thyme grass and ivy leaves.

Purpose - for diseases of the viral and inflammatory nature of the respiratory system, for example, in bronchitis and tracheitis, has expectorant properties. It can be used by adults and children from 3 months.

Dosage used in therapy - children can take 1.1 milliliters four times a day, and adults 5.4 milliliters four times a day, eat after meals with water.

Side effects of - allergic reactions are possible.

Restrictions on the use of - pregnancy and lactation period, as well as when the organism is intolerant to the main or auxiliary substance.
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Form release - in solution and in tablets, tablets for adults only.

The main substance is fenspiride hydrochloride.

Purpose - prescribed for various respiratory diseases and disorders in the work of organs involved in the respiratory process and ENT organs. Children and adults can apply.

The dosage used in therapy is the norm for children about 30 milliliters per day, and for adults about 80 milliliters, it is recommended to take the medication three times a day on an empty stomach.

Side effects - mild drowsiness, small tachycardia, minor disturbances from the work of the stomach and intestines.

Restrictions on the use of - a negative susceptibility to fenspiride hydrochloride and gestation period.
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The form of release - in a syrup in bottles of 150 milliliters, as well as in tablets( 10 pieces per pack).

The main substance is fenspiride hydrochloride.

Purpose - for complex treatment of inflammation of the organs involved in the respiratory process and ENT organs, with influenza, with whooping cough. It can be used by all age groups.

The dosage used in therapy is taken before meals, in syrup for children 0-14 years, it is calculated approximately 4 mg / kg( milligram per kilogram) of weight, in adults 75-90 milliliters per day, as well as in tablets three times inday.

Adverse reactions - extremely rare, it is possible drowsiness, apathy, allergies, nausea, vomiting.

Restrictions on the use of - during pregnancy, use of Inspiron is undesirable, as well as with an individual negative reaction of the body to this drug.
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Product form - solution for oral administration, tablets, lozenges, syrup.

The main substance is ambroxol, a mucolytic agent.

Purpose - for acute or chronic diseases of the lungs, bronchi, pneumonia, bronchial asthma, possesses secretory and expectorant properties. It is prescribed for adults and children from 5 years.

Dosage used in therapy - adults are prescribed 3 tablets per day or one tablespoon( 8 ml) of syrup, the duration of consumption about a week.

Side effects - skin rashes, hives, weakness, headache.

Restrictions on the use of - individual intolerance, pregnancy and phenylketonuria.
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Form release - a preparation against cough in tablets.
The main substance is prenoxdiazine hydrochloride.

Here you will find cheap analogues of the drug Monural

Purpose - prescribed for various forms and any origin of cough. Assigned to adults and with caution to children.

Dosage used in therapy - for adults, the average daily dose is approximately 100 milliliters three times a day, for children 25-50 milliliters three times a day. The tablets are swallowed immediately without chewing.

Side effects - allergy, a feeling of constant fatigue and dry mouth.

Restrictions on the use of - intolerance to galactose, sensitivity to the drug, after anesthesia.
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Form release - syrup, 20 milliliters in a vial.

The main substance is butamyrate citrate.

Intended for symptomatic treatment of cough. It is used in all age groups, except for children under 2 months.

Dosage used in therapy - the drug is used with food inside, 10 to 20 drops approximately four times a day.

Adverse reactions - dizziness, weakness, diarrhea.

Restrictions on the use of - during pregnancy, the use of Sinecoda is prohibited, as well as for children up to 2 months and with an individual negative susceptibility.
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Form release - in the form of a syrup, in a vial of 150 milliliters.

The main substance is fenspiride hydrochloride.

Purpose - a drug with anti-bronchoconstrictive activity, is used in the treatment of respiratory diseases to adults and children from 3 years.

Dosage used in therapy - children can take 10 to 60 milliliters per day, and adults about 80 milliliters per day, while taking with food, how many take this drug determines the doctor.

Side effects of - slight disturbances from the nervous and digestive systems are possible.

Restrictions on the use of - during pregnancy, lactation, children of small age, as well as with intolerance and sensitivity to the drug.
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The release form is in the form of a syrup, in 125 ml vials.

The main substance is carbocysteine.

The appointment is primarily for children with acute and chronic diseases of the respiratory tract and ENT organs( with bronchitis, asthma, rhinitis, otitis media).

Dosage used in therapy - 1 small spoon( 5 milliliters) three times a day.

Adverse reactions - fatigue, weakness, pruritus, urticaria and the like.

Restrictions on the use of - ulcer, cystitis, pregnancy and lactation, children of very small age, and also with negative susceptibility of the body to the drug.
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Form release - in the form of a syrup, in bottles of 150 milliliters.

The main substance is fenspiride hydrochloride.

Purpose - for respiratory diseases of acute respiratory infections and influenza, with inflammatory or allergic processes in the ENT organs and the respiratory tract. Adults and children of very small age can eat.

Dosage used in therapy - three times a day, on an empty stomach, for children from 10 to 60 milliliters per day, for adults about 80 milliliters per day.

Adverse reactions - severe palpitations, vomiting, diarrhea, allergies.

Restrictions on the use of for children of small age and people with an individual negative reaction of the body to the drug.
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Form release - tablets, 15 pieces per blister and syrup.

The main substance is fenspiride hydrochloride.

Purpose - only for adults with asthma, laryngitis, bronchitis.

The dosage used in therapy is consumed before meals, simultaneously with water, one tablet twice a day, the largest possible dose of 240 milliliters.

Side effects of are insignificant, deviations in the work of the nervous, cardiovascular and digestive systems are possible.

Restrictions on use of - is prohibited for children and adolescents under 18 years of age, as well as for individual negative susceptibility to fenspiride hydrochloride.
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Form release - tablets( adults only) and syrup( for children).

The main substance is fenspiride hydrochloride.

Purpose - it is used for coughing, facilitates rapid separation and excretion of sputum. Tablets are prescribed only to adults, for children a syrup is provided.

The dosage used in therapy is 80 milligrams 2-3 times a day, for children the doctor prescribes syrup, in the calculation of 4 milligrams per kilogram of weight. It is desirable to eat with food.

Side effects of - dyspeptic disorders are possible.

Restrictions on the use of - the period of pregnancy, children of small age, with intolerance to fructose.
  • Jun 01, 2018
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