How to wash your hair properly

Skin and hair condition can tell a lot about human health. Various diseases, stress, lack of vitamins, improper care have a direct effect on their appearance. Therefore, it is very important to create all conditions for the hair to be healthy and strong. And first you need to understand how to properly wash them.

  • How often to wash your hair
  • washing procedure How to apply
  • shampoo How rinse
  • How to dry
  • How combing
  • Professional
  • Shampoos
  • Soap
  • balms
  • conditioners
  • Masks
  • Natural remedies
  • Egg
  • Beer
  • Nettle
  • Mustard
  • DairySerum
  • Soda
  • Burdock root
  • Tea mushroom

How often to wash the head

The answer is simple: once the hair is dirty, they need to be washed. After all, if there is a difficulty in supplying air to the scalp, an environment is formed for the development of microbes.

The frequency of washing depends on a variety of factors: length, skin type, working conditions, use of stowage, nutrition, season, availability of diseases and so on. Typically, healthy hair should be washed once in 4-5 days, dry - once a week, fat - every 2 days.

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With constant use of styling products, it is recommended to wash your hair regularly with a mild daily shampoo and at least once a month with a deep cleanser to remove chemical particles from the hair surface that weight them.

In winter, it is better to wash the head more often than usual, because under the headdresses the skin does not breathe and the hair quickly becomes fat.

Of course, everyone decides how often he needs to wash his head, guided by personal feelings. The main thing is to do this regularly, so as not to bring hair and skin to excessive pollution, the appearance of itching and dandruff.

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Washing procedure

Before washing your hair, your hair needs to be thoroughly combed. Due to this, blood circulation improves, and the dead skin scales of the epidermis are washed away.

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How to apply shampoo

Hair and scalp should be thoroughly moistened with warm water before applying the shampoo. It is recommended to apply the shampoo twice per wash. This is due to the fact that during the first application only a part of the contamination is washed off, and after the second there is a complete purification.

Before applying, shampoo should be foamed in the palms, adding a little water to it. This will ensure its more even distribution.

Then, with gentle massage movements, you must rub it into the scalp and evenly cover the entire length of the hair with foam. For a complete cleansing, 30-60 seconds of direct contact of the shampoo with hair is sufficient.

At washing it is necessary to move from roots to tips, carrying out easy circular massage movements by fingers. This massage is very useful for the scalp, it improves blood circulation and metabolism in tissues.

Wash long hair very carefully, so as not to confuse them, since later when combing, the chance of damaging them will increase. Also, do not rub the strands against each other, this can lead to their injury.

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How to rinse

After using shampoo, the hair should be thoroughly rinsed. To do this, you should hold them under a stream of water, until the moment when their purity will not be felt by touch.

To make the ringlets look more shiny for rinsing, it is better to use acidic solutions - lemon juice or vinegar. To prepare 1 tablespoon of acid should be diluted in a liter of water.

Water quality plays an important role in washing hair. Too hard water can damage your hair, because it contains calcium salts, which form an insoluble residue that looks like a greyish-white sticky coating on your hair. In addition to calcium salts, magnesium and iron salts are contained in hard water, which contribute to increased dryness, brittleness and flaking.

Properly wash hair with rain, melt, peeled or boiled water.

The water temperature also plays a huge role. The water should not be too hot or, conversely, very cold. The optimum option is the temperature of 35-43 ° C.And the greasier the hair, the more cool water should be used.

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How to dry

After washing, the head should be wiped off. It is best to do this with a warm towel, gently moving in the direction of hair growth. This reduces the possibility of damage to the curls.

The best drying option is natural drying. Wet hair is poorly protected from external factors, so do not expose them to cold or direct sunlight.

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Using a hair dryer is also harmful, as the curls after frequent drying become brittle and eventually begin to break. When drying with a hair dryer, it is better to use a cold regime and keep the device at a distance of at least 40 cm from the head.

It is useful to dry hair in the open air.

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How to comb

Proper combing is the key to rapid growth and healthy hair. Remember that you can not comb wet hair! Since in the wet state they become heavier and under their own weight at the slightest impact they can break off, break and fall out.

Dry hair can be combed with wooden or plastic combs with rare blunt teeth to avoid injuring the skin. Use metal combs is not recommended, they can damage the upper layers of the skin and scales of hair.

For daily combing, it is advisable to choose a wooden brush with natural bristles, as an artificial coating of the brush can create an electrified hair.

The comb is a hygiene item, so it must be strictly individual. In doing so, it must be regularly cleaned with a solution of hot water and soap or a 10% solution of ammonia.

Combing must be done carefully, without jerking and force application. In this case, you need to move both in the direction of hair growth, and against it. Correctly it is considered to comb short hair from roots, and long - from the ends.

The daily brushing procedure should last approximately 5-10 minutes. During this time there is an intensive massage of the skin, which increases the flow of blood and nutrients to the hair follicles, this is expressed in the sensation of pleasant warmth. Hair is cleared of dust, and fat from the scalp is evenly distributed among the locks, nourishing them.

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Find out the right days for hair cutting
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Professional tools

In order to provide a healthy look to the hair, you need to choose quality care cosmetics.

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To date, all manufacturers are trying to ensure that the shampoo has a slightly acidic environment - pH 5.5, because it is such a medium that is considered natural for the skin of a person.

It should be noted that the amount of foam does not affect the effectiveness of the shampoo. Even, on the contrary, safe natural remedies do not create foam at all, due to the fact that they do not contain detergents - substances that enhance the washing effect of water.

The choice of shampoo must necessarily depend on the type of hair, then it will be really effective.

Whatever was written on the label, only after the application it can be understood whether the remedy is suitable for you or not. The optimal result of using shampoo is clean hair, which is fastened with twisting, after shining they shine and are easily combed, the scalp does not dry out, there is no irritation and dandruff on it.

It is correct to wash the head with one shampoo on average from a month to six months. Then it is advisable to change the product so that the habit of the hair does not arise and, thus, the effectiveness of the shampoo does not decrease.

In combination with shampoos to improve the condition of hair using conditioners, balms and masks. It is important that they are from the same series and carry out the same action.

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Earlier, women washed their heads with household and tar soap, however, this method is quite harmful to the hair, because after such a procedure, the hair becomes dry and stiff.

And all because soap is an alkali, and it dissolves water-lipid protective hair film, revealing scales. As a result, the hair gets damaged, less combed, luster, covered with a touch of calcium and magnesium salts.

In order not to harm the hair, it is better to use a more gentle tar tar shampoo. However, it also can not be used on a permanent basis, it should be alternated with the usual cosmetic shampoo.

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These care products are intended primarily to enhance the therapeutic or cosmetic effects of shampoo, as well as to restore the damaged structure of the hair. A balanced composition of balm, envelops hair, penetrating into areas where there are no scales, and fills this space. Thus, it has a nutritional and restorative effect.

Balms should be applied to damp, shampoo-washed hair for 5-10 minutes, then washed off. In this case, you should avoid getting the product on the roots and scalp, this will help prevent excessive fat.

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These means of care for functions remind balms - they nourish and protect the hair, making them soft, smooth, elastic and durable. Therefore, it is not surprising that balsams-conditioners and balsam-rinses appeared on sale.

The qualitative conditioner is rich in vitamins of group B and E, keratin and panthenol. For each type of hair, you can choose the appropriate conditioner.

So, owners of hair of a fatty type should avoid using an air conditioner, especially on the radical zone of the hair, otherwise it can only aggravate the condition of the scalp. With a mixed type of hair, the conditioner is applied only to dry tips.

Average time of aging the product on hair is 2-3 minutes. After that, you should rinse the curls until the water becomes clear. Also, there are means that do not require flushing.

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The best option for moisturizing, nourishing and restoring hair. Masks usually contain in the composition natural oils, emulsion components, restoring waxes.

Depending on the purpose of the mask can be both curative and preventive procedure and applied at a frequency of 1-2 times in 14 days.

Most of the masks are performed after washing the head and it takes 5-10 minutes to effect them, but there are also those that require a separate special procedure that lasts for several hours. All without exception, masks require thorough washing.

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Natural remedies

With the help of natural remedies, it is possible to achieve the best and safest hair cleansing. There are several proven products, using which you can properly wash your head.

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This is the best natural product for washing hair, which is suitable for everyone. Eggs are rich in proteins, vitamins and fatty acids, which give the hair a wonderful shine and health.

So, to properly wash your head with an egg, it must be beaten and applied to damp hair. It is good to massage the scalp and rinse it off with lukewarm water so that the protein does not curl.

Very good effect will wash the hair entirely yolk. For short hair it will be enough to have one yolk, for the curls below the shoulders - two, for the long ones - three.

First you need to separate the yolks from the proteins. Then it is very important to remove the film holding the yolk in the mold. After that, add to the yolks 100 ml of water and beat well. Wet the damp hair with the finished mixture, wring out their hands and leave for 10-20 minutes. Then rinse off with warm water in the shower.

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This intoxicating drink has long been a good friend of hair. Thanks to the availability of malt and yeast, beer accelerates the growth of curls and nourishes them qualitatively.

For proper washing, it is better to use dark varieties, since they contain more useful substances. Before the procedure, the beer should be warmed to a comfortable temperature and applied abundantly to dry hair. Slightly rub, and then put on a shower cap and wrap your head with a warm towel. Waiting 20 minutes, the beer can be washed off.

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Hair-friendly properties of nettle are known to many. It activates hair growth, normalizes fat balance, returns shine and strength to locks.

In order to properly wash your hair with natural nettle shampoo you will need:

  • 100 grams of fresh nettle;
  • 2 liters of water;
  • 0.5 teaspoons of soda.

Nettles must be poured with a liter of water and boiled for about half an hour on low heat. After cooling, drain. In 250 ml of the prepared broth dissolve the soda and add to it a liter of warm boiled water. Rinse your head with a solution for about 5 minutes, then wrap with a towel, lightly soak and leave to dry naturally.

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Due to its composition, mustard perfectly removes fat and, while warming the skin, stimulates hair bulbs to actively grow.

To properly wash the head with mustard, mix:

  • 2 tablespoons dry mustard;
  • 1 teaspoon of sugar;
  • 70 ml of water or decoction of chamomile, nettle, sage.

Sugar in this recipe enhances the "burning" properties of mustard, so its volume can be adjusted as needed.

With a ready mix, wash the damp roots of hair, massaging them well. To put the mixture on the undesirable. After 5 minutes, wash the head with a large volume of water.

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Whey whey

This wonderful sour-milk product perfectly solves many hair problems, whether it is loss, dandruff, dryness or lack of shine.

To properly wash the head with milk whey it should be slightly warmed up, it is abundantly applied to clean damp hair, massage and left for a couple of minutes. After a good rinse with water.

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Baking soda can provide a deep cleansing of hair and scalp from any contaminants and sebum.

To properly wash the head with soda it is necessary to adhere to some rules:

  1. do not use this detergent if there is irritation and open wounds on the scalp;
  2. use only fresh product, based on the date of manufacture;
  3. can be bred with water of any temperature, it does not affect its detergent properties.

So, to wash your head you need to dissolve 100 grams of soda in a large bowl of soda with 2 liters of water and 3-5 minutes to wash the head in it, massaging the root zone well. After it is desirable to rinse your hair with a solution of vinegar - 30 ml per 1 liter of water.

Repeat this procedure of washing should not be earlier than a week, otherwise you risk causing dryness and peeling of the skin.

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Burdock root

Burmese has long been used for medicinal purposes. He is able to stop premature hair loss, strengthen the roots, ensure the restoration of the structure, defeat dandruff and give the locks a healthy shine.

To properly wash your head with burdock root, you should prepare a decoction. First you need to rub the roots of thistles, then 2 tablespoons of the ground root pour 500 ml of water and boil for 10 minutes over low heat. After cooling, drain.

A ready-made decoction to wash the roots of the hair 2-3 times a week. After the procedure, rinse curls with clean water.

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Tea mushroom

This is a kind of living organism, consisting of yeast fungi and acetic bacteria. The tea mushroom is rich in vitamins B, C, P, organic acids, proteins, fats and trace elements, and also contains useful wine alcohol.

As early as the 17th century in Japan, geishas took the tea mushroom infusion to preserve the harmony of the figure and rinsed the hair for shine and silkiness.

To properly wash your head with infusion of a tea mushroom, you need to insist on it for 1 month. Then 250 ml of infusion dilute in 2 liters of warm boiled water or a decoction of nettle and wash the solution with a head. After the procedure, the hair should be rinsed with clean water. A similar natural shampoo can be enriched with several drops of vitamin E.

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