How to prepare frozen broccoli

People who watch for health, necessarily include vegetables on the menu. Among the useful and delicious products is not the last step takes broccoli. To preserve all the useful properties, it is frozen. During the preparation of such a product, vitamins and minerals are not lost. It is important to know the features of the preparation of frozen broccoli .

  • Essential products
  • Preparation process

Required products

  • broccoli - 350 grams;
  • spoon of olive oil;
  • butter - 10 grams;
  • black pepper.
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Preparation process

Take the packet with the frozen inflorescences and open it. If there is time, let broccoli thaw and remove excess liquid.

Pour water into the dishes 5 cm thick. When it boils, salt and place broccoli in it.10 grams of salt is enough per liter of water. After re-boiling, leave cabbage for 2-3 minutes to cook.

Finished inflorescences fold in a colander. Let the excess fluid run off.

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In the same way, broccoli is cooked in a microwave oven. Only it may take longer to prepare. Therefore, it is desirable to check the readiness of the product. In this form, broccoli can already be used as a ready-made dish. For fans of fried, you need to do a few more manipulations.

Pay attention to the list of products with a negative calorie content

Preheat the saucepan and put a piece of butter and a spoonful of olive oil.

When the oil dissolves, place the broccoli in the saucepan. Roast, stirring constantly. Fry it slightly during frying. Cook until the inflorescence becomes soft.

Put the broccoli in the dish. For taste, sprinkle with black pepper.

Gentle inflorescences are served on a side dish to meat dishes, used in salads, soups and casseroles. Broccoli is prepared independently and in combination with other vegetables and products.


What a simple recipe. I think that it is tasty and useful. And I usually cook soup puree from frozen broccoli with cream, on chicken broth. I will also have to try this option, I'm a big fan of broccoli.


And I often use a microwave, but in the process of cooking broccoli I do not salt. Already ready inflorescences I spread on a plate and slightly watered with soy sauce and sprinkle a little apple or grape vinegar. This gives the product a very piquant taste! I advise you to try.

  • Jun 01, 2018
  • 31
  • 235