The use of levomecol in the treatment of acne

Acne delivers a lot of inconvenience to women, making them less confident in their attractiveness. But, fortunately, modern medicine and cosmetology offers various means for combating imperfections of the skin. Great popularity among them was won by Levomekol.

  • Properties of
  • Use of
  • Contraindications

Properties of

Levomekol helps in the treatment of subcutaneous and usual acne and is an effective active agent in the fight against acne. It has a useful property to penetrate deeply into the layers of the epidermis, unlike other agents that act only on the surface. Therefore, levomecol copes with this problem more quickly.

Penetrating the inside of the skin, the ointment removes microorganisms and bacteria that cause acne and relieves redness.

With purulent pimples, it cleans the skin of pus well, which can occur at the beginning of the inflammation process, smooths the complexion, perfectly heals wounds of any origin.

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Ointment has antibacterial, regenerating properties. It consists of levomycetin and methyluracil.

The drug has only one minus: the bacteria quickly adapt to it, and eventually cease to react to it at all. As a result, it will have to be replaced with another remedy, for example, with levomycetin.

Read more about how to use levomycetin against acne
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Ointment should be applied locally, on each pimple separately,using point motions.

Thoroughly wash your hands, drip a little levomel on your finger and gently rub it into the affected area of ​​the skin. After that, apply a large amount of money to the pimple and seal it with adhesive tape.

To not further damage the skin of the face, do not forget to wash your hands with soap and disinfect them with alcohol before the procedure, use a disposable patch.

The drug can be combined with various traditional medicine, in particular - with decoctions and infusions that do not contain alcohol. So before applying the ointment, the face can be wiped with a decoction of chamomile, a mild decoction of the oak bark or a decoction of birch buds and leaves.

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In most cases, the drug does not cause allergic reactions. If you doubt its safety, try the ointment on the inner bend of the elbow. If redness appears, it is better to lose the itch from using the ointment.

Ointment is not recommended for breastfeeding mothers, as well as for women who have an individual intolerance to levomycetin or methyluracil.

This drug is not suitable for preventive purposes, as it breaks the microflora of the skin.

If ointment is used frequently, an allergic reaction may occur. Symptoms of allergy are redness, burning, light, barely perceptible, tingling.

  • Jun 01, 2018
  • 22
  • 195