What is the difference between a pregnancy and a baby girl from a pregnancy?

When you finally receive the long-awaited news of pregnancy, there is another question: who will be born - a boy or a girl? Of course, exactly this question will be answered by ultrasound on later terms, but you will not calm your curiosity! In this article we will talk about the signs of a boy or girl during pregnancy, among which are folk signs, the shape of the belly, the appearance of the future mother, her taste preferences, mood and health.

  • girl Pregnancy
  • «Left" signs
  • sweet tooth
  • External signs
  • belly Form
  • Physiological characteristics of the mother's body
  • Mood
  • heartbeat of the fetus
  • Folk omens
  • Pregnancy boy
  • «Right" signs
  • Features Power
  • External signs
  • Formabdomen
  • Physiological features of the body
  • Mood
  • Fetal heart
  • Folk signs

Pregnancy girl

Signs of which can tell that a girl.

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"Left" tags

It is believed that the left side is the girl's side, which means that:

instagram viewer
  • girls are pushed to the left;
  • the band on the abdomen of the pregnant woman begins to appear to the left of the navel;
  • pregnant, climbing anything, the first puts the left leg;
  • if necessary, the future mother rests on her left arm;
  • Pregnant prefers to sleep and rest on the left side;

  • in a pregnant woman, the left breast increases slightly more than the right one.
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Addiction to sweet

It's no secret that the woman's taste preferences change dramatically when she's "in position".There is a sign that a girl pregnant with a girl starts to eat a lot of sweet, especially chocolate and sweets. Also among the favorite foods are citrus fruits and juices from them.

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External features

It is believed that a girl takes beauty from her mother. Among the signs of pregnancy, the girl is singled out as follows:

  • , the face becomes rougher in the pregnant woman, swells;
  • the skin becomes dry and begins to peel off;
  • appears a large number of black spots and acne;
  • hair becomes more dry, drop out more, sometimes turn yellow;
  • the nails break and break;
  • significantly thicken thighs and buttocks;
  • darken the areola of the nipple.
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The form of the abdomen

Many mothers note that the contrast of the abdomen during pregnancy by a boy and a girl is quite noticeable. The girl grows in a large belly, "tall" and round, without "sharpening" to the navel.

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Physiological features of the mother's body

  • Toxicosis from the earliest stages of pregnancy( so if you feel sick during pregnancy, the question "boy or girl" is not worth it - just a girl).
  • Urine has a pale yellow color.
  • Poor appetite.
  • Warm feet.
  • Frequent chills.
All that a woman needs to know about pregnancy planning http://woman-l.ru/planirovanie-beremennosti/
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When a girl becomes pregnant, a woman becomes very irritable, illogical, quick-tempered. The future mother has lost almost completely sexual desire. The woman forgets everything, sometimes she thinks for a long time and so on.

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Fetal heartbeat

Gynecologists agree that the girls' heart rate is more than 140 beats per minute.

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Popular signs of

  • The future mother takes the key for a sharp end.
  • The future father wears no swimming trunks, but more free underwear.
  • If you sleep( and conceive) your head to the south.
  • In a married couple, a man loves a woman more than she does.

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Pregnancy by the boy

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"Right" signs

When the future of a man's mother appears, the leading party is the right one. Thus, everything that is inherent in future mothers of girls should be read to the exact opposite - instead of the left one, the right one.

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Features of food

Pregnant boy prefers meat, yes more. Also, a woman wants to eat cheese, sour foods.

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External signs of

In the appearance of the future mother of the boy such changes can be observed:

  • increased hair growth in undesirable places;
  • the woman becomes more beautiful;
  • sharpens the tip of the nose;
  • areola nipples remain bright.
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Belly shape

In "bearers" of boys, the stomach is sharper and lowered downwards. Also, sometimes from the side, looking at the pregnant boy, you can not determine that the woman is in position.

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Physiological features of the body

  • Absence of severe toxicosis;
  • frequent headaches;
  • heat;
  • cold, always freezing feet;
  • urine has a bright yellow color;
  • right breast larger left.
  • loading. ..

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If the woman is "in position" rather calm, in good spirits, active and does not sit still, she will have a boy.

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Fetal heartbeat

Palpitation in boys is usually less than 140 beats per minute.

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Popular signs of

There is a boy:

  • if after conception the future father has grown fat;
  • if the expectant mother more than usual pays attention to men;
  • if a woman dreams that she is a man.

But it should be said that all these are not proven and subjective observations, so to believe them or not is your business.

The sex of the child can be determined only in the ultrasound room, and this is not always the case. Result doctors are usually able to report at 16 weeks of pregnancy, so be patient and wait.
  • Jun 01, 2018
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