Callus on the lip, in the mouth of a newborn or adult: why it occurs, how to treat it, how to distinguish it from other diseases

Callus on the lip, in the mouth of a newborn or adult: why it occurs, how to treat it, how to distinguish it from other diseases

When a new pimple or swelling is found on the skin of her baby, a caring mother begins to sound the alarm and see a doctor.A baby callus on the lip...

  • Oct 28, 2021
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The lower or upper lip twitches, the muscle under the eye trembles in an adult and a newborn: why, reasons

The lower or upper lip twitches, the muscle under the eye trembles in an adult and a newborn: why, reasons

Modern pace of life, stress and fatigue often lead to the emergence of nervous or endocrine pathologies.Tic lips or tremors of the facial muscles c...

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Piercing medusa of the upper or lower lip, jestrum features of a puncture, photos, consequences

Piercing medusa of the upper or lower lip, jestrum features of a puncture, photos, consequences

For the first time, jellyfish piercing appeared in the city of Toronto in the 90s of the XX century. He quickly fell in love not only with young pe...

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Dental burs and cutters for dentists and dental technicians: dental orthopedic, surgical

Dental burs and cutters for dentists and dental technicians: dental orthopedic, surgical

Dental burs and cutters - a group of rotary (rotating) instruments placed in the head drills, are used to treat a carious cavity, remove non-viable...

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Braces or veneers: which is better, how to align the teeth, what is the difference, reviews

Malocclusion and curvature of the dentition necessitates the use braces or veneers. They have different installation methods. To make the right cho...

  • Oct 28, 2021
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Herpes on the lips during pregnancy in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd trimesters: is it dangerous, how to treat a cold

Herpes on the lips during pregnancy in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd trimesters: is it dangerous, how to treat a cold

Cold sore lip - frequent manifestation of the herpes virus during pregnancy, mainly in the first half of it.The aggravation of the process and the ...

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A crown with a pin (with a tooth) fell out: what to do, the dental bridge fell off

Restoration of lost or broken teeth with artificial prostheses is one of the most inexpensive and effective methods of dental treatment.But if a cr...

  • Oct 28, 2021
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Magic White: cosmetic teeth whitening, reviews

Magic White: cosmetic teeth whitening, reviews

A smile shining with beauty is a guarantee of self-confidence. Need whitening special means occurs in every person, regardless of how high-quality ...

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Teeth lamination: a snow-white smile is visible without glasses

Teeth lamination: a snow-white smile is visible without glasses

Many people, in pursuit of the ideal appearance, use dozens of different methods: medication, hardware, surgical, folk. Dentistry is no exception. ...

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Moldy taste in the mouth: the reasons for the taste, the smell of mushrooms in the mouth, how to get rid

Mold is an unpleasant and dangerous phenomenon.Some people don't see it, but they do have a moldy taste in their mouths, which is a serious concern...

  • Oct 28, 2021
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Strong salivation at night: why do adults and children salivate in a dream, reasons how to stop salivation

Strong salivation at night: why do adults and children salivate in a dream, reasons how to stop salivation

Drooling from the mouth is no accident, even if during sleep. This symptom is very dangerous and may indicate serious diseases of the body.To under...

  • Oct 28, 2021
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Electric toothbrush Braun Oral-B Genius 9000 Black: reviews, price, specifications

Electrical toothbrushes are not in mass demand, as people are not ready to spend huge amounts of money on them without giving seriousness dental hy...

  • Oct 28, 2021
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