Moles are pigmented skin neoplasms that are benign. Moles (the medical name for nevus) are almost flesh-colored to dark brown (sometimes even blue)...
Even when traveling or on the road, the oral cavity needs daily care. Toothbrush can not always cope with plaque removal or food debris in hard-to-...
Back in the late 60s of the last century, polycarboxylate cements began to be used.They are used in dentistry to fix non-removable dental structure...
Could there be a connection between gum disease and malignant tumors? Research has recently been published that suggests its presence, especially w...
Very often, patients notice small formations on the gums in the form of white spots. They can be in the form of ulcers, small seals, or plaque. Thi...
The dentist is a profession that will be popular at all times. However, the lack of good specialists in this area is noticed not only in Russia, bu...
Popularity dental implantation is actively growing, because it helps to find a wonderful smile, forget about caries and other problems.Among the wi...
Nowadays, buying a toothbrush is not a problem. It is enough to go to the nearest store and choose the one that suits your taste and wallet. It is ...
Teeth needed clean twice a day, and the better this process is, the less problems there will be in the oral cavity (stones, bad smell etc.). Nowada...
The desire to have a beautiful smile has allowed dentistry to step forward. Many modern clinics today are ready to offer their clients a new servic...
Periodontal disease is a disease that can lead to the loss of strong and healthy teeth.Therefore, it is important to identify the causes and sympto...
Taking out of the first aid kit medicine to eliminate toothache, we often choose the first one that comes to hand pain reliever, but the result doe...
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