Diseases of the oral cavity are very common in modern man and one of the most common of them is stomatitis. The disease is accompanied by an ...
"Furacilin" has found wide application in dentistry. This antimicrobial drug prevents the reproduction of microorganisms and inhibits their acti...
Lesion of the mucous membrane in the mouth, which leads to the formation of ulcers and blisters, indicates the presence of such a disease as sto...
Solcoseryl gel is used in medicine as a stimulant of restorative processes in tissues and normalization of metabolism. Regardless of the form ...
Dental floss( floss) is an additional means of oral hygiene. It is used for cleaning the lateral surface of the tooth and the space between the ...
To carry out high-quality hygiene of the teeth and oral cavity, the toothbrush and toothpaste are not enough, so modern dentists recommend using...
Rotokan is a medicinal product containing extracts of medicinal plants and ethyl alcohol. A solution of dark brown hue, which has a sharp herbal...
Propolisol is a combined agent based on components of natural origin. The drug has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antimicrobial effect, promotes...
Dental diseases are often accompanied by severe inflammation and pain, which are difficult to get rid of. In these cases, dentists recommend tak...
The rinse aid is an antiseptic liquid used to clean the mouth of microbes. The product will help to keep your teeth healthy by performing a t...
Dental floss is one of the auxiliary means for oral hygiene. Flosses can easily clean interdental spaces, hard-to-reach places in the mouth t...
Occlusion, that is, any contact of the upper teeth with the lower ones is an individual parameter for each person. The motor features of the jaw...
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