Dreams can be harbingers of any life changes, or they can indicate possible events. Through dreams, our subconscious is trying to reach us.Dreamed ...
Although we live in the civilized XXI century, dreams and dreams are still a "blank spot" for scientists and ordinary people. Sometimes we see what...
The dentistry business has traditionally been considered one of the most profitable.A person can save money on a new gadget or fashionable clothes,...
Modern oral hygiene is very different from what it was before, not to mention the methods of dental treatment. Various problems with them always ar...
The causes of diseases are not hidden outside, but inside the individual. In Ayurveda, attention is paid to the psychological factor in the develop...
At the first sign of a cold or as a result of a diseases on the lips may appear herpes.Clumped blisters on the skin cause itching, burning, and an ...
Angular cheilitis Is a disease of the mucous membrane and skin of the corners of the mouth. It is caused by streptococci, then the phenomenon is ca...
Cracks in the corners of the lips are either a localized cosmetic problem, or a sign of a serious pathology, and the causes and treatment of this s...
Herpes is a viral disease characterized by the appearance of vesicular rashes on the skin and mucous membranes.On average, 75% of the population (a...
Viscosity and astringency in the mouth in the morning at least once in their life was with everyone. Normally, this unpleasant sensation goes away ...
Technology stamping has been used in dentistry for many years. In production crowns sleeves are used, they differ in diameter and size.A dental sle...
The choice in favor of one or another dental implant accepted on the basis of a combination of price and quality. Traditionally, the leaders in the...
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