Stomatological problems in humans are most often caused by plaque and stone formed on the teeth. This is a kind of substance that is formed from...
Today, up to 90% of the world's population is infected with the herpes virus. In most cases, he does not manifest himself in the human body, but...
Stomatitis develops an inflammatory process on the oral mucosa and causes ulcers and / or vesicles. The causes of the disease are very diverse. ...
SPLAT, which produces world-famous toothpastes, recently launched a new line of products for oral care. These are toothpastes, brushes and li...
In comparison with a toothbrush, the irrigator is capable of cleaning at least 70% of the gum, tongue and teeth of the plaque formed on the gums...
Calcium hydroxide( calcium hydroxide, calcium hydroxide) is used not only in the production and cosmetology, but also in dental medicine. Cal...
Teleradiography( TRH) is a kind of radiography, but it differs in that it is done from a remote distance. Therefore, you can get a fairly clear ...
Lincomycin is a broad-spectrum antibiotic, so it is used quite often in the therapy of diseases that were provoked by Gram-positive bacteria. ...
Metrogil Denta is used for the treatment of oral diseases, the drug has a combined effect with a pronounced antimicrobial effect. The dru...
Miramistin solution belongs to the number of domestic antiseptics. The development of this effective tool was carried out back in the 70s of the...
Miramistin is a drug that has a very large spectrum of action, so it is used to treat a variety of diseases in almost all areas of medicine. ...
Pain is a signal from the body that reports a pathology that involves a destructive process. One of the unpleasant forms of pain is considered b...
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