In arterial hypotension of different genesis, a less sharp and prolonged increase in pressure is often required than with the use of catecho...
For the treatment of some eye problems, not only eye drops or ointments, but also tablets are used. Diacarb is a synthetic drug that is c...
Pilocarpine as an eye drop effectively and has long been used in the practice of ophthalmology. It reduces intraocular pressure and narro...
There are millions of microbes and bacteria around us all the time. Some of them are of benefit to us, other harm, causing illnesses and ...
In recent decades, the number of people suffering from vascular pathologies of the eyes has grown steadily. At the moment, vascular disor...
The main causes of blurred vision and blindness are dystrophic diseases of the eye. In connection with the tendency of the spread of visu...
Vision is one of the main human organs that maintain contact with the outside world, so it is so important to protect eyesight, and in cases...
Vision is one of the main human organs that maintain contact with the outside world, so it is so important to protect eyesight, and in cases...
Many different means have been created for oral hygiene. Among them, a separate niche is occupied by rinsers, the regular use of which leads to ...
There is a wide choice of toothpastes sold in supermarkets, as well as a huge selection of so-called medicines prescribed by dentists as part of...
Oral hygiene includes not only the daily use of toothpaste, but also rinsing with the use of preventive drugs, one of which is Listerine. The...
Every modern person has been accustomed to taking care of his teeth and oral cavity since childhood. To ensure that the teeth are white, and the...
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