Toothache while breastfeeding: pain relievers available during lactation

Toothache while breastfeeding: pain relievers available during lactation

Toothache can occur in every person at almost any age. And lactation is no exception.Breastfeeding mothers more often than others have to suffer fr...

  • Oct 28, 2021
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Consequences of getting into and the operation to remove the filling material from the maxillary sinus

Consequences of getting into and the operation to remove the filling material from the maxillary sinus

To understand how the filling composition turns out to be in the maxillary sinus, one should recall the structure of the maxillary bone. And the fa...

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Dental formula of an adult and children: diagram, decoding

Dental formula of an adult and children: diagram, decoding

Human teeth are the only organs that cannot be restored; their condition plays an important role in the digestive process.Bad habits accelerate the...

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Dental problems: occupational diseases in dentists

Dental problems: occupational diseases in dentists

Rarely does anyone think about how stressful and hard work is. dentist. When we go to an appointment with a doctor, we are worried about our diseas...

  • Oct 28, 2021
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Why dream of blood from the mouth

Why dream of blood from the mouth

Some nightmares can be very frightening and make you want to know what they mean as soon as possible. When you dream of blood coming from your mout...

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Iodine taste in the mouth: causes in women, during pregnancy, in an adult, a child

In a normal state, there are no unnecessary flavors in the mouth that are not associated with the consumed food. An unpleasant odor in the oral cav...

  • Oct 28, 2021
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The cut tongue: how to treat, photos, reasons, what to do

The cut tongue: how to treat, photos, reasons, what to do

The tongue plays an important role, its function includes partial participation in the process of chewing food, the formation of articulate speech,...

  • Oct 28, 2021
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Chatterbox for stomatitis for children and adults: composition, instructions for use, price of medicine

Chatterbox for stomatitis for children and adults: composition, instructions for use, price of medicine

The emergence of solitary mouth ulcers, increased body temperature, herpetic eruptions on the lips, this is part of the symptomatology that may ind...

  • Oct 28, 2021
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Lip fat: causes, treatment

Lip fat: causes, treatment

Small yellowish-white spots on the red border of the lips are more likely an aesthetic defect, they do not bring discomfort and pain.They are calle...

  • Oct 28, 2021
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Glossopharyngeal neuralgia: causes, symptoms, treatment of Sicard syndrome

Glossopharyngeal neuralgia: causes, symptoms, treatment of Sicard syndrome

Glossopharyngeal nerve neuralgia is pathological changes in its activity caused by the development of a concomitant disease in adjacent areas.Among...

  • Oct 28, 2021
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Oral cavity: anatomy, structure and function, diagram, departments, what kind of environment

The oral cavity has many functions.One of the most important is the primary processing of food that enters the food tract.The structure and functio...

  • Oct 28, 2021
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Children's electric toothbrush Braun Oral-B Stages Power Kids: Frozen, StarWars, Cars, Princess

Toothbrushes play a key role in correct oral hygiene. The main selection criteria are: quality, functionality, cost.It is also necessary to take in...

  • Oct 28, 2021
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