The main goal of aerobics is training cardiorespiratory system, muscular corset, development of endurance, increase of functional abilities of t...
The historical genre in cinema is, first of all, the choice of curious spectators. Viewing such films not only develops erudition, but also make...
The change of teeth in a child usually does not cause any alarm. This is quite a natural process, when the baby teeth, which began to appear ...
Dental problems, concomitant dental diseases, chronic diseases - there are many reasons to contact a specialist for the installation of dentures...
Burn is a common and dangerous injury and is often affected by the oral cavity, in particular the gum. The patient can eat something hot or drin...
Most adults have 32 permanent teeth in their mouths. Children have dairy teeth, and their number is 20. When a dentist visits a dentist, the ...
Modern dentistry makes it possible to conduct tooth extraction as painlessly as possible and without subsequent complications. However, in so...
There is a huge number of various procedures for teeth whitening, recently the popularity is gaining technology Amazing White( Amazing White). ...
Harmless hemorrhages in the eye do not happen Hemorrhage in the eye - a fairly common phenomenon, which is caused by violation of the vas...
Hyperhidrosis( excessive sweating) is a fairly common problem, to talk to someone, about the presence of which many simply feel embarrassed. Des...
Odontoma is a benign tumor consisting of fragments of dental tissue. It appears as a concomitant phenomenon during the growth of permanent teeth...
Complystitis Ophthalmo is one of the known complexes of vitamins with minerals and plant carotenoids, which is used with increased eye strai...
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