Compression therapy, based on the effect of compression and pressure on certain parts of the limbs, has been known since ancient times. In th...
According to statistics published annually by various leading clinics of general surgery, over 35% of the adult population of Russia faces the p...
Laryngospasm is a disease of the respiratory tract, which manifests itself in the form of short-term asphyxiating attacks. This dis...
Unlike venereology, which can be avoided, if a person is engaged in protected sex and does not disdain personal hygiene, nobody is immune to uro...
Loss of voice is always an unpleasant symptom that can occur for a variety of reasons. This always leads to the development of a nu...
Solcoseryl is a drug that is produced in the form of an ointment, a gel and an injection solution. The drug is often prescribed in the treatme...
Acute tonsillitis is a pathological process that can affect absolutely everyone, regardless of age and sex. It is characterized by more severe sy...
Varicose is a fairly common disease and is a pathological change in the veins in the form of extensions, increasing their length, the formation ...
Thermopsis is a cough-and-vegetable cure that comes in the form of tablets and has been in demand for many years. Nowadays, pharmac...
Troxevasin ointment belongs to the group of venotonic agents . Provides anti-edema, firming and toning effect. Thanks to the properties of th...
Choosing the most effective and maximally natural cough syrup, many parents seem to be a top priority. This opinion is a little err...
Hemorrhoidal buds appear as a result of a violation of the elasticity of the walls of the veins, are manifested by their inflammation or the for...
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