How is adenoiditis manifested in children: the main symptoms

How is adenoiditis manifested in children: the main symptoms

Very often children suffer from such an unpleasant disease as adenoit. Fortunately, this ailment can be cured quickly enough if tim...

  • Feb 26, 2018
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Symptoms of varicose veins: from asterisks to a purulent "trough"

Symptoms of varicose veins: from asterisks to a purulent "trough"

"Varix" means bloating. Varicose expansion, respectively, is a pathological swelling of the veins. The appearance( and progression) of varico...

  • Feb 26, 2018
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Choosing the best ointments from hemorrhoids: inexpensive and effective means

Choosing the best ointments from hemorrhoids: inexpensive and effective means

Hemorrhoids are inflammation and a subsequent increase in venous nodules in the anus, which is accompanied by bleeding and pain. According to...

  • Feb 26, 2018
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Why did my sense of smell disappear with a cold, and what should I do?

Why did my sense of smell disappear with a cold, and what should I do?

Such an unpleasant phenomenon, as a runny nose can not but show additional symptoms, the most characteristic is the temporary loss ...

  • Feb 26, 2018
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How to improve the circulation of the body and avoid many diseases

How to improve the circulation of the body and avoid many diseases

The role of proper blood circulation is difficult to overestimate. Normal blood circulation is a guarantee of longevity and health of all organs...

  • Feb 26, 2018
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Anticoagulants of direct and indirect action - irreplaceable preparations in medicine

Anticoagulants of direct and indirect action - irreplaceable preparations in medicine

Anticoagulants are chemicals that can change the blood viscosity of , in particular to inhibit coagulation processes. Depending on the group...

  • Feb 26, 2018
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Causes and features of treatment of snoring in women

Causes and features of treatment of snoring in women

Chronic fatigue can cause snoring. Not only men, but also women suffer from this disease. Of course, the male sex is much more comm...

  • Feb 26, 2018
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Effective non-pharmacological treatment of hemorrhoids with HemAway simulator

Effective non-pharmacological treatment of hemorrhoids with HemAway simulator

Hemorrhoids are a common disease that causes severe discomfort and pain. For the treatment of the disease, more and more new drugs are being pro...

  • Feb 26, 2018
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Chinese anti-hemorrhoid plaster for the prevention and treatment of hemorrhoids

Chinese anti-hemorrhoid plaster for the prevention and treatment of hemorrhoids

Unfortunately, many people are familiar with the problem of hemorrhoids today. And the problem is manifested in people of different ages. Itc...

  • Feb 26, 2018
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How to defeat chronic adenoiditis in children

How to defeat chronic adenoiditis in children

Adenoiditis can be diagnosed in a chronic and acute form. The main difference between these pathologies is that the acute has a mar...

  • Feb 26, 2018
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Therapeutic properties of the pillow from varicose Varifort: deceit or truth, reviews and analysis

Therapeutic properties of the pillow from varicose Varifort: deceit or truth, reviews and analysis

is one of the newest means for treating varicose veins, the pillow is the Varifort bandage. Varifort is a special anatomical pillow ( or bot...

  • Feb 26, 2018
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Analogues of Vasobral for the treatment of venous disease

Analogues of Vasobral for the treatment of venous disease

Vasobrail - is a drug for normalizing the blood circulation of the brain and treating neurological diseases. Due to the properties of ergot...

  • Feb 26, 2018
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