Why do frequent colds occur in adults: the main causes

Why do frequent colds occur in adults: the main causes

To determine the degree of susceptibility to colds in adults is simple enough, it should not hurt more than six times a year. If th...

  • Feb 26, 2018
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How to recognize sinusitis in a 2 year old child: symptoms and treatment

How to recognize sinusitis in a 2 year old child: symptoms and treatment

Sinusitis - an inflammatory process that affects the maxillary sinus. Distinguish between one-sided and two-sided. The location of ...

  • Feb 26, 2018
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How to apply nutmeg with varicose veins: recipes and reviews

How to apply nutmeg with varicose veins: recipes and reviews

Varicose veins usually appear on the lower extremities due to prolonged physical exertion or predisposition, and is a disease with severe pain. ...

  • Feb 26, 2018
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Why do you need dilution of blood: drugs, folk remedies and products

Why do you need dilution of blood: drugs, folk remedies and products

A large number of functions perform blood in the body. It carries oxygen and carbon dioxide, performs thermoregulation, sends microelements resp...

  • Feb 25, 2018
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How is laser coagulation of varicose veins - indications for laser treatment of varicose veins, reviews and prices

How is laser coagulation of varicose veins - indications for laser treatment of varicose veins, reviews and prices

Varicose disease of the lower extremities is one of the most common vascular pathologies and according to statistical data it steadily grows you...

  • Feb 25, 2018
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Effective drugs for the treatment of trophic ulcers on the legs

Effective drugs for the treatment of trophic ulcers on the legs

Trophic ulcer is not an independent disease. This complication of certain pathologies: varicose veins, diabetes mellitus, atherosclerosis, lymph...

  • Feb 25, 2018
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Is the pillow effective against varicose Variforg: the principle of action, reviews and price

Is the pillow effective against varicose Variforg: the principle of action, reviews and price

Do not count all the treatments for various diseases that have flooded the market in recent decades. During the treatment of varicose veins, a r...

  • Feb 25, 2018
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What determines the effectiveness of treatment of trophic ulcers with folk remedies: tips and proven recipes

What determines the effectiveness of treatment of trophic ulcers with folk remedies: tips and proven recipes

Trophic ulcers, although not a fatal disease, can thoroughly damage the life of a sick person. According to scientific research among the causes...

  • Feb 25, 2018
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Striping with varicose veins is a mini-invasive method for treating a disease

Striping with varicose veins is a mini-invasive method for treating a disease

Varicose( enlarged) veins appear in many people due to heredity, impaired statics of the foot, lack of mobility, prolonged lying on the legs or ...

  • Feb 25, 2018
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Features and use of pressotherapy for varicose veins

Features and use of pressotherapy for varicose veins

Currently, varicose veins can be cured in a variety of ways - massage, medications, ointments, compressive underwear and pressotherapy, which wi...

  • Feb 25, 2018
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Endovasal laser obliteration of veins in the arsenal of phlebologists

Endovasal laser obliteration of veins in the arsenal of phlebologists

Varicose veins are not only an aesthetic problem, but also a serious pathology requiring complex treatment. Soreness, heaviness and swelling ...

  • Feb 25, 2018
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What you need to know before you buy compression stockings from varicose veins: model selection, patient reviews and prices

What you need to know before you buy compression stockings from varicose veins: model selection, patient reviews and prices

The problem that many people face is vein dilatation. Varicose veins are a disease in which the valves of the internal veins do not close. T...

  • Feb 25, 2018
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