I do not know about you, but I do not organically tolerate people who send out insults and rudeness to the left and right. I do not know for su...
Cranberry jam is a proven remedy for colds and flu, but this berry can be used in many other cases. Depending on how it is processed and in what...
There is an opinion that callas are funeral flowers. They are often brought to the cemeteries, but, with the same regularity in the hands of mou...
Amino acids are the main constituent of proteins, the building material of muscles, and therefore enjoy special popularity in bodybuilding. Begi...
To enjoy leisure is pleasant in a good movie company. The list of the best foreign serials will save time and nerves in search of a suitable opt...
The child's refusal to eat, causeless vagaries, fever and the appearance of painful sores in the mouth - all these symptoms accompany such an un...
Absence of teeth is not a pleasant problem: due to the inability to chew food you have to abandon your favorite dishes, the gastrointestinal tract...
Periodontal disease refers to the systemic lesions of the periodontal( periodontal tissue).The disease is quite rare, has a destructive characte...
Soda and hydrogen peroxide are almost equally popular in folk medicine and home care. Especially often they are used for prevention and dispo...
Often in the process of life, a person, with no matter whether an adult or a child, can receive various kinds of injuries. This situation can al...
Microprostheses known as veneers are used for the restoration of anterior teeth. This miracle of dentistry allows you to eliminate defects in te...
Dental stone is a hardened plaque made up of epithelial cells, mineral salts, food debris, bacteria and natural mucus that, adhering to the tota...
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