Content1 When should you see a doctor2 Diagnosis of female infertility2.1 Consultation of gynecologist and medical history2.2 physical examination2...
Content1 Anomalies of the reproductive organs1.1 Full and partial doubling of uterus and cervix1.2 The partition in the mother's body2 Causes3 Impa...
Content1 Structure and anatomical features2 Table body size normally on US2.1 In nulliparous2.2 I gave birth3 Normal cervical indicators4 little va...
Content1 Thrush and vaginal microflora violation2 Causes and symptoms2.1 Diagnostics3 Using candles3.1 testimony3.2 Normalization of microflora aft...
Content1 Calendula and thrush1.1 Beneficial features2 application2.1 syringing2.2 trays2.3 tampons3 Indications and contraindications4 Side effects...
Content1 Thrush and abdominal pain2 Causes3 indigestion3.1 urogenital diseases4 symptoms4.1 intimate life4.2 Urination4.3 Menstruation5 Diagnosis a...
Content1 accumulation of fluid in the uterus and body body2 Causes2.1 After childbirth and caesarean section2.2 In old age,3 Symptoms and Diagnosis...
Content1 Thrush and hydrogen peroxide1.1 Medicinal properties and benefits2 Indications and efficacy3 Methods of Use3.1 syringing3.2 cleaning the4 ...
Content1 The structure of the uterus2 The causes of nagging pains3 organic factors3.1 Pathology of the reproductive organs3.2 Diseases of the pelvi...
Content1 Meaning of uterine blood flow2 Risk of poor blood supply2.1 Causes2.2 symptoms3 Diagnosis and ways to improve3.1 medication3.2 pelvic mass...
Content1 the uterus and the variants of the norm2 Causes and symptoms of expansion2.1 after menstruation2.2 In premenopausal2.3 endometriosis2.4 My...
Content1 Hormones in menopause2 Norm and violation of the ratio of female sex hormones in menopause3 Causes and symptoms of hormonal failure3.1 Eff...
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