Content1 How does the on periods eskapel2 Does the monthly eskapel3 How to take the drug4 Can I drink eskapel during menstruation5 Month after eska...
Content1 Effect of drugs on the reproductive function1.1 postinor1.2 The vaccine Gardasil1.3 ibuprofen1.4 Kagocel2 The risk of infertility and canc...
Content1 Effect laparoscopy the menstrual cycle2 On what day of the cycle do laparoscopy2.1 Do make laparoscopy during menstruation2.2 On what day ...
Content1 The objectives of the analysis of urine1.1 Terms of collecting material2 The role of red blood cells and indicators are normal3 Causes and...
Content1 What is post-abortion syndrome2 Symptoms of post-abortion syndrome3 The psychological effects of abortion4 How to survive an abortion mora...
Content1 Runny nose and pregnancy 1.1 Snot blood 1.2 insecurity 2 The causes of nasal congestion 2.1 Viral and bacterial rhinitis, sinusitis 2.2 Ph...
Content1 IVF and delivery2 Indications and conduct caesarean sections3 natural childbirth3.1 Preparatory stage3.2 recoveryUnfortunately, the realit...
Content1 Infertility fraction and SDA 22 The composition and dosage form3 pharmachologic effect4 Indications and contraindications5 DosageSooner or...
Content1 Calendar of pregnancy after IVF2 Methods of calculating the term of2.1 Obstetric2.2 Embryonic2.3 For gynecological examinations2.4 on US2....
Content1 infertility psychology2 Test psychogenic problems3 Psychosomatic causes of abortion and the inability of conception4 Treatment and ways to...
Content1 stages of IVF2 Types of protocols and how they differ2.1 Long and short2.2 Krioprotokol2.3 In the natural cycle,3 Driving on days4 used dr...
Content1 What is luteal phase2 The duration of the luteal phase3 How to determine the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle4 Normal progesterone indi...
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