Content1 Menstrual Cycle and hormones1.1 What is the hormone responsible for the monthly1.2 Hormones before menstruation1.3 Hormones first phase of...
Content1 Types of menstrual disorders2 Absence of menstruation, scanty and rare menstruation: №913 Frequent, irregular, heavy periods: MKB 10 №924 ...
Content1 clinical diagnosis2 ultrasound3 Biopsy and immunohistochemistry4 Tumor marker CA-125The body of the uterus is the most frequent subject of...
Content1 Is it possible to do hair removal during menses1.1 Can I do shugaring menstruation1.2 Is it possible to do laser hair removal at a monthly...
Content1 Can I drink painkiller during menstruation2 What to take for painful menstruation2.1 Tablets from pain during menstruation2.2 Painkillers ...
Content1 Useful properties and action smartweed2 Indications and contraindications3 As used pepper tincture water at monthly3.1 How to drink water ...
Content1 Pathogenesis2 Mechanisms of development and causes3 Forms and stages4 manifestations5 survey methods5.1 visual inspection5.2 Smear on onko...
Content1 Pathogenesis2 Factors and causes3 species4 stage5 Symptoms and signs of external6 methods of diagnosis6.1 Gynecological examination6.2 cyt...
Content1 Can I donate blood during menstruation1.1 on hormones1.2 Can I take biochemistry during menstruation1.3 Can I take common tests during men...
Content1 Is it possible to wash during menstruation1.1 Can I at monthly lying in the bathroom1.2 Can I take a shower during menstruation2 hygiene d...
Content1 Can nauseated before menstruation2 Why sick before menstruation2.1 Why sick and dizzy before menstruation2.2 Before menstruation stomach a...
Content1 It can hurt the waist before menstruation2 Why back pain during menstruation3 Why back pain during menstruation3.1 Why hurt the waist befo...
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