Content1 main phase1.1 Bleeding1.2 Proliferation1.3 secretory phase2 menoschesis3 AberrationCyclic change the secretion of female hormones involves...
Content1 Indications for biopsy of the cervix2 Progress analysis3 Deciphering the biopsy results4 The biopsy and the cancer stage4.1 Squamous cell ...
Content1 Events for cervical softening2 effective methods2.1 coitus2.2 Evening primrose oil2.3 Grass to soften the uterine cervical department2.4 m...
Content1 species2 Etiology3 symptoms4 complications cervicitis5 Diagnostics6 TreatmentGynecologists emphasize that in the structure of diseases of ...
Content1 Degree with dysplasia2 Causes and symptoms of dysplasia3 Methods for diagnosis of dysplasia3.1 Gynecological examination3.2 cytological ex...
Content1 Causes of2 Clinical picture and diagnostics3 Grade dysplasia and treatmentsFor cervical dysplasia of the uterus include changes in the vag...
Content1 Maybe if the pressure rise at the monthly2 Why the pressure increases before menstruation2.1 physiological causes2.2 pathological causes3 ...
Content1 Signs of a precancerous condition2 Symptoms in stages2.1 stage 12.2 stage 22.3 stage 32.4 stage 43 Symptoms Pathogenesis4 semeiography4.1 ...
Content1 precancerous process2 Classification2.1 stage3 Factors and causes4 symptomatology5 Diagnostics5.1 cytological examination5.2 colposcopy5.3...
Content1 classification of tumors2 risk factors, clinical manifestations3 histological features3.1 special diagnostics4 Forecast5 TreatmentCancers ...
Content1 Drotaverinum and No-Spa - what is the difference2 The composition of the drug and the form of3 Effects on body4 How to drink Nospanum and ...
Content1 structural features2 Classification2.1 stage3 Causes4 Symptoms and diagnosis methods5 radiation therapy method5.1 The outer shape5.2 inter...
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