Content1 Causes and clinical variants1.1 congenital erosion1.2 true1.3 Ectopic acquired character2 Possible symptoms and examination3 removalRemova...
Content1 Kinds1.1 true1.2 Acquired pseudo or ectopia1.3 congenital2 Causes and clinical picture3 Diagnosis and treatment strategies4 Removal by rad...
Content1 Causes of2 symptoms3 Using the diagnostic methods4 Features of treatmentAmong the pathologies in women, according to research in the gynec...
Content1 Causes of2 Symptoms and Diagnosis3 therapiesCervical erosion is detected in a significant number of women of any age, indicating that the ...
Content1 Indications and contraindications2 methods2.1 The chemical method2.2 diathermocoagulation2.3 Argon ablation2.4 laser cauterization2.5 radi...
Content1 Erosion of the cervix and its varieties2 Causes of3 clinical picture4 methods of diagnosis5 Treatment6 Features of the rehabilitation peri...
Content1 What is it anehogennoe formation in the ovary2 Causes3 symptoms4 Effects5 Diagnostics6 Anehogennoe formation in the ovary during pregnancy...
Content1 The causes of ovarian endometriosis2 classification of diseases3 The symptoms of ovarian endometriosis4 Diagnostics4.1 Ehopriznaki ovarian...
Content1 erosion Forms2 The reasons for3 The development of the clinical picture4 Methods for detection and removalCervical erosion is diagnosed du...
Content1 Types and causes of the syndrome2 The symptoms of hyperandrogenism in women3 Diagnostics4 therapies5 Forecastovarian hyperandrogenism is a...
Content1 Types and causes of1.1 congenital1.2 true1.3 pseudo2 Symptoms and examination3 TreatmentMoxibustion cervical erosion is used quite often i...
Content1 Features appendages treatment of inflammation in women2 Folk remedies for inflammation of the appendages and the ovary2.1 Herbs with adnex...
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