Content1 What is menopause2 Causes and joint pain in menopause2.1 Osteoporosis2.2 Arthrosis and arthritis2.3 poor circulation2.4 Obesity2.5 other c...
Content1 What is menopause2 duration2.1 premenopausal2.2 Menopause2.3 postmenopause3 Causes3.1 Factors affecting the duration of the4 Changes in th...
Content1 Vitamins Doppelgerts and menopause2 Structure3 dosage form4 Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics5 testimony6 Use and dosage7 drug interac...
Content1 Changes in the level of sex hormones in menopause2 The dosage form and active substance3 Features of the drug4 Effect on symptoms of menop...
Content1 Feminal and menopause1.1 Structure1.2 Form release drugs1.3 Act1.4 Advantages and disadvantages 2 Pharmacodynamics and Pharmacokinetics3 I...
Content1 Premenopausal the phase menopause1.1 duration1.2 the possibility of pregnancy2 The main signs of change2.1 ovaries2.2 Uterus2.3 Vagina2.4 ...
Content1 Tablets and drops Klimadinon2 Composition and dosage forms3 Action and Benefits4 Indications and contraindications4.1 Application of masti...
Content1 Temperature and menopause2 What is called the basal temperature2.1 normal values2.2 Features of change2.3 Reasons for changes3 The reasons...
Diagnostics, including a variety of tests and studies, gives significant importance in gynecology. It helps to identify the associated pathological...
Content1 Climax and its duration2 The menstrual cycle and sex hormones3 Age of menopausal women4 Causes of menopause4.1 Classification4.2 stage5 sy...
Content1 Menopause and bleeding2 Classification3 Causes3.1 hormonal dysfunction3.2 Hyperplastic processes and polyposis3.3 endometriosis3.4 Myoma3....
Content1 Factors for and symptoms2 Argon ablationIn modern gynecology constantly searches for new methods that can effectively deal with various pa...
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