Content1 What is retention cyst Ovary2 pathology Causes 3 Retention symptoms of ovarian cysts3.1 Signs retention formation of the right ovary3.2 Si...
Content1 Can a burst ovarian cyst2 Rupture of ovarian cysts: Code of ICD 103 What happens when a burst cyst on the ovary4 Causes of rupture of ovar...
Content1 Feeding habits when ovarian cysts in women1.1 The basic principles of nutrition1.2 That can be eaten1.3 Which products should be excluded1...
Content1 Can hurt the ovaries during pregnancy2 Why hurt the ovaries during pregnancy: Causes2.1 Physiological pain in the ovaries2.2 pathological ...
Content1 Ovaries in adhesions: what it means2 From what appear adhesions on the ovaries2.1 Adhesions after laparoscopic ovarian cyst2.2 Adhesions a...
Content1 Adnexitis: what is it in women2 Adnexitis: Code of ICD 103 classification salpingoophoritis3.1 acute adnexitis3.2 subacute adnexitis3.3 Th...
Content1 Physiology ovarian cycle2 phase of the cycle2.1 Follicular (menstrual) phase2.2 Ovulatory (proliferative) phase2.3 Luteal (secretory) phas...
Content1 Classification1.1 Smooth-walled serous cystadenoma of the ovary1.2 Serous papillary cystadenoma of the ovary1.3 mucinous2 predisposing fac...
Content1 When prescribed cauterization of ovaries2 The consequences of the procedure: pros and cons3 How is the procedure4 Preparatory stage5 The r...
Content1 Types and symptoms tsistadenokartsinoma2 stage3 methods of diagnosis4 Specific signs tsistadenokartsinoma5 Treatment and its effectiveness...
Content1 The etiology and mechanism2 Effects after the procedureMany gynecological diseases require surgical treatment. cervical erosion is one suc...
Content1 Causes of2 Symptomatology and diagnosis3 TreatmentThe number of gynecological diseases each year has been steadily growing. A significant ...
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