Content1 The connection between menopause and osteoporosis2 Causes and factors3 species4 symptoms5 complications6 Diagnostics7 Treatment7.1 Medicat...
Content1 Menopause and discomfort in the intimate area2 Causes2.1 Diabetes2.2 Diseases of the urinary system2.3 Dermatitis2.4 STDs and violation of...
Content1 What is menopause and postmenopause2 endometrial hyperplasia3 Classification4 Causes5 symptoms5.1 The dangerous pathology6 Diagnostics7 Tr...
Content1 Swelling in menopause2 Causes of leg edema2.1 hormonal imbalance2.2 CNS functioning changes2.3 hypothyroidism3 evidence4 Remedy4.1 of drug...
Content1 Introduction to2 phases of menopause2.1 During the onset of menopause3 symptoms4 The possibility of postponing climax5 How to push the off...
Content1 Remens in menopause2 Composition and dosage forms3 Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics4 Indications for acceptance and benefits5 instruc...
Content1 Climax and pressure1.1 Risk of hypertension1.2 Norm2 The causes of high pressure2.1 Manifestations of menopause, leading to increased pres...
Content1 Dizziness and menopause2 Kinds3 natural causes4 disease5 Symptoms and signs6 Treatment6.1 of drugs6.2 behavioral therapyMenopause is accom...
Content1 Late onset of menopause1.1 pros1.2 Minuses2 Causes3 symptoms4 relief displays4.1 medicine4.2 Phytohormones and folk remedies4.3 Diet4.4 LF...
Content1 Climax and Klimalanin2 Structure and Composition3 Pharmacological action, pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics4 Indications and contraind...
Content1 Chest pain and menopause1.1 The nature of pain2 Causes3 Methods of differential diagnosis4 Treatment4.1 General recommendationsThroughout ...
Content1 Headache and menopause2 Causes3 symptoms4 Methods of treatment4.1 of drugs4.2 Phytoestrogens and folk remedies4.3 nontraditional methods5 ...
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