Plum is a sunny fruit, useful, generous for vitamins. Has a positive effect on the human body. In the cold winter evenings there is not enough su...
Apricots are fragrant fruits with velvety skin, tender flesh and bone inside. For their benefit, apricots are called "fruits of health": they are...
All summer berries are useful and tasty, but the first place among them is wild strawberry. Small fragrant berries are full of vitamins, mineral ...
The traditions of eating sorrel for food have been many thousands of years. In his works this plant was mentioned by ancient Roman writers like V...
Summer and early autumn are the time of active harvesting for the winter. Careful housewives cook jam and salt cucumbers, dry mushrooms and sau...
Mushrooms - a special product, delicacy for any method of preparation. And in the winter - a delicacy of gourmets. What kind of person will refus...
From year to year every autumn every good housewife has the same process - harvesting vegetables for the winter. The king of this "triumph" can r...
Salted mushrooms are a truly Russian dish. For pickles, the mushroom is the first mushroom. In ancient times, for the winter, the mushrooms were ...
Homemade blanks take an important place in any hostess. Jams and pickles, tomatoes and cucumbers, mushrooms and berries. .. But not everyone know...
Cherry - a berry with a rich sourness. Fresh fruits are distinguished by a bright taste and aroma, which you want to enjoy all year round, includ...
Procurement of products for the winter for each hostess takes a lot of time and effort, but all this is done not in vain. In winter, when there i...
Delicate, appetizing green onion can be called simply an ideal addition to almost every dish. Unfortunately, the time of a fresh product is very ...
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