Thrush - a disease caused by the fungus Candida. If you experience symptoms need to see a doctor to determine the best method of treatment. If a wo...
Candidiasis causes discomfort and itching in the genital area. To help cope with the illness, gynecologists prescribe conventional medications trea...
Polyps in the uterus - benign. This disease is widespread in gynecology. About 10% of women suffer from this disease. Neoplasms are endometrial gro...
When a woman visiting doctor, learns that her reproductive system inside formed a polyp, it often does not know how to react to this news. What is ...
Cervical polyp - a disease that is often diagnosed among patients gynecological department. This tumor is benign. With endocervical polyps gynecolo...
When sprouting polyps in the reproductive organs resort to their removal. This is due to the fact that the tumor later time may degenerate into a m...
Placental polyp - benign tumor. This type is formed growths in the uterus after childbirth or medical abortion. It can provoke growth holding scrap...
The occurrence of polyps in the uterus accompanied by intense rejection of blood during menstruation and after discharge intimacy. This pathology c...
After removal of the polyp of the cervical canal or uterus changes the nature of the menstrual flow and duration. If no complications cycle is rest...
The period of gestation of the child - a welcome time in a woman's life. During pregnancy, the selection of unusual character alarming and disturbi...
Every day in hospitals, doctors detect various pathological growths. Some are easy to remove during minimally invasive surgical procedures, others ...
cervical endometriosis is characterized by impaired growth of the endometrium, which lines the inside of the fallopian cavity, but sometimes grows ...
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