Chiffon is a very light and airy material, which is ideal for sewing a dress both loose and fitted. Fashion, using this material, stands on top ...
Rosehip is a perennial shrub that can reach a height of 3 meters. Its powerful vertical roots extend 3 m deep into the soil, and the horizontal ...
Wedding is an important and solemn event, requiring sometimes long and exhausting preparation. To ensure that everything went perfectly on this ...
Sage has long been famous for a large number of useful substances in its composition( aromatic resins, acetic acid, formic acid, linalool, flavo...
Women during pregnancy are especially inclined to listen to people's signs and beliefs, as this gives them a certain psychological calmness. In ...
During the trip to Minsk tourists will enjoy immersion in the world of a unique and original culture, eventful history, magnificent nature and c...
Beret came into fashion during the Middle Ages, but for a long time was a purely male military headgear. And now takes is included in the ammun...
Before you start a dog, you need to get the consent of each member of the family, weigh the pros and cons, think over who will be engaged in her...
Foreign tales tell of miracles and amazing people, as well as ridicule human vices. Good necessarily defeats evil, generosity and courage are re...
Birch buds are a natural, environmentally friendly medicinal raw material, the useful properties of which have been known for a very long time. ...
Mittens come back to fashion again. This warm element of the Russian style can be bought, and you can also link it yourself in the old way. Espe...
Photosession during pregnancy is usually held already in the eighth or ninth month and is called "Waiting for a miracle."By itself, such a surve...
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