Critical days delay may be caused by physiological and pathological reasons. In cases where the cycle failure not due to pregnancy and diseases of ...
Hemostatic herbs help to reduce the amount of bleeding during menstruation. This method of therapy is widely used in folk medicine. The main thing,...
Menses women often deliver a lot of problems, for which various methods are used, in particular herbal medicine. Nettle is effective during menstru...
Before the long-awaited vacation, many women are wondering how to call the monthly early. Critical days completely out of place in this period. To ...
Oral contraceptives often leads to a hormonal crash. In this regard, the physiological activity of female sex hormones are changes that trigger a c...
Since ancient times, women use a bay leaf for the month. Despite the fact that there was a set of drugs that can cause menstruation, a folk remedy ...
The benefits of vitamins and minerals known to all. Their lack can lead to the development of various diseases and disorders with the reproductive ...
Regular menstruation is one of the main indicators of reproductive health. But this physiological process is not always necessary to "the place" fo...
Vitamin B9 plays an important role in the functioning of all organs and systems of the human body. It necessarily prescribed to pregnant women to c...
Dicynone menstruation is appointed in the case of metrorrhagia, start uterine bleeding. The drug is released only by prescription. Its use must be ...
Medicinal plants are used both alone and in treatment of various diseases. One of the most popular is chamomile. It is characterized by the ability...
In the normal menstrual cycle, there is a slight separation that appear at intervals of 21-35 days and lasts about three, a maximum of six days. Th...
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