Diet of Dr. Kovalkov

The diet, developed by the famous Moscow dietician Alexei Kovalkov, does not promise you fast weight loss. However, when you apply it, you can ho...

  • May 05, 2018
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Fish diet

The fish diet is perfectly tolerated, as it is based on everyday fish consumption. As everyone knows, fish is incredibly useful for the body as...

  • Apr 23, 2018
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Sweet Diet

The authors of almost all diets for weight loss consider sugar and sweets the main enemy in the struggle for an ideal figure. However, there ar...

  • May 05, 2018
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Milk diet

Milk has many useful properties, which are described in sufficient detail in a separate article on our website. Among other things, it also pro...

  • Apr 12, 2018
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Long cabbage diet

Cabbage diet for ten days The ten-day cabbage diet has only one menu, which is repeated from day to day. For breakfast, you should drin...

  • May 05, 2018
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Oatmeal diet

Oatmeal diet will help you not only to lose from 3 to 5 kilograms per week, but also to cleanse the body, normalize the intestinal microflora. ...

  • Mar 06, 2018
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Cottage cheese diet

The main rule of any person who is going to sit on a diet is just to love yourself. Yes, you are a bit dissatisfied with your body. Yes, you wa...

  • Mar 27, 2018
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Tomato Diet

The tomato diet is based on the remarkable properties of a tomato - a tasty and healthy vegetable that grows well in virtually the entire middl...

  • Apr 23, 2018
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Ginger Diet

The root of ginger is the spice that came to us from Central Asia. Since ancient times, Tibetan healers have used ginger to treat various disea...

  • Apr 24, 2018
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Diet "6 petals"

The "6 petals" diet was invented by the Swedish nutritionist Anna Juhansson. Duration of the diet is 6 days, each of which is a one-day mono-di...

  • May 04, 2018
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Diet Maggi

Maggi diet, which, of course, has nothing to do with all the known bouillon cubes, is quite strict. However, it is relatively easy to transfer, s...

  • Mar 25, 2018
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Diet of Sergey Agapkin

Advertising of the diet, which is allegedly personally selected for you by Dr. Sergei Agapkin, has directly flooded the Internet. Alas, as it oft...

  • Apr 17, 2018
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