updating processes occur in a woman's monthly and different cyclical nature. Menses appear in the same period of time. Any deviation may indicate t...
The regularity of the menstrual cycle is considered one of the main indicators of women's health. Even minor failures may indicate a pathology, but...
Women with a regular menstrual cycle in the absence of precipitates are concerned because of occurrence of such failure in the body. Most often cau...
Failures occur in each cycle of the fairer sex for different reasons. Sometimes it's sexual health problems and endocrine systems, and in some case...
If you delay menstruation for 2 weeks or more there is a reason for concern. First of all there is an idea of a possible pregnancy. To confirm or...
Physiological changes in the female body, characteristic of the period of menstruation, due to the influence of hormones - estrogen and progesteron...
The onset of menstruation - albeit hesitant, but very steady rate. Absence of menstruation - a real stress and cause for concern, especially if it ...
With such a problem, a delay of 10 days, monthly, may face each woman. Similar changes are observed in the case of pregnancy. Provoke a breach of t...
The menstrual cycle - only conditionally stable value. On average, it lasts 28 days but gynecologists allow this oscillation period. Thus, in the n...
If you delay menstruation, most women buy a pregnancy test and make home diagnostics. A negative result is often a concern. Many self-seeking reaso...
Women who regularly monitor their cycle, notice the slightest change in its duration and frequency. Delay monthly for 2 days does not always indica...
Menstruation - a natural physiological process that accompanies a woman throughout her reproductive period. Their presence and regularity suggests ...
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